Projects in Progress
BGC1C Working and optimizing affiliate site. Working 5 hours daily Sitting in correct posture Losing weight to 170 lbs and Daily Exercise Controlling Youtube Addiction Dopamine Detox Quitting Tea Recording Expenses
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When you have no money you have more fear of losing what you already have. This limits your ability to invest and grow exponentially. But if you think why you started? What makes you feel fulfilled? Then you will get clear whether you want to invest or keep what you have. https://fazalurrehman.com/alexbecker/
Being lazy and having fun is the lowest level of living life. then comes trying to be cool Then comes the striving for results. The highest being is striving for a purpose that you know that you cannot achieve in this life. https://fazalurrehman.com/nomanalikhan/
Story, once I could not imagine myself doing anything except what I am doing right now I do not want to live the life and blame others for the choices they made for me. I want to choose and want to feel responsible. wanted to be super rich with a lot of power to do