Choose Your Battle

If you want to make a change, first choose what you want to change, not what other are telling, that needs improvement.

You have ultimate power – Can change anything, but that power is limited- as you cannot change everything. Choose one, Choose that wisely, where you will be most effective.

What you are seeing is the reality shown to you, by a handful of people who control the whole media – Fact

Power -If you want to change the world, change it with power.

Real power comes from the barrel of the gun.

politics – You think your views matter, think again. Even a senator’s view do not matter. What matter how powerful you are to enforce your views.

Your views, do not matter. Do not stress on making them right. Or arguing with the person who you think has the wrong views.

making yourself better is the only solution left. moving up the ladder.

In waves pool, punching the waves vs creating a fort above the waves when you have power to be safe from the waves.

Only Improving yourself improves the world.

Worrying about yourself only is not selfish – It is the best thing you can do for this world.

Work where you are most effective. You are only effective on yourself.

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